Richard Hubbard

Richard Hubbard is the founder and president of Leadership Impact Lab, a professional services firm that provides coaching services, talent strategy consulting and cultural assessments.

He spent 30+ years in the corporate world as a senior executive and launched his coaching and consulting business in 2021. He has dedicated the past 25 years to helping leaders grow and thrive.

“It’s my passion to help leaders make meaningful advancements in their leadership journeys and create breakthrough performance for their teams and community. It’s time to make an impact.”

Mind and Matter—Using the Power of Thought and Intention to Design a Beautiful Future

Yes, technical skills are important to success in business and in life, but what’s even more impactful is how you craft and express your thoughts. You know how to create beautiful spaces that secure success for your clients. And, you know that designing an appealing, cohesive space requires thought and intention. But do you give the same degree of thought and intention to maximizing your personal success? Your thoughts create your future, and like a well-designed space, need attention and wisdom for success.

In this RESACON session, you will learn essential tools and techniques to harness the power of your thoughts and intentions to design an awesome future for you, your teams, and your clients. We will cover mindset, gratitude, journaling, goal setting, habit stacking, and more.

What You can expect to learn during this resacon session:

  • The power of your thoughts

  • Gratitude creates abundance

  • Journaling allows for creativity and so much more…

  • Goal Setting & Habit Stacking for impact

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